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How do I manage my subscription & billing?
How do I manage my subscription & billing?

How do I cancel? How do I pause? How do I view my renewal date?

Carrie Heckel avatar
Written by Carrie Heckel
Updated over a week ago

You can manage everything about your subscription by logging in at This includes:

  • Updating billing information

  • Upgrading or Downgrading your subscription

  • Pausing or Canceling your subscription

Watch the video below for a step-by-step walkthrough!

How do I view my subscription information?

  1. Log in at

  2. On the left sidebar, click on the 'Account and Subscription' icon.

  3. You will then see your current subscription plan, and next payment amount and renewal date.

How do I pause or resume my subscription?

Note: Pausing and canceling are the same function on our website and app. By cancelling your subscription, you will still be able to use any paid lesson credits and can easily resubscribe when you are ready.

  1. Log in at using the email associated with your account.

  2. On the left sidebar, click on the 'Account and Subscription' icon. Then select 'Manage Subscriptions.'

  3. This will bring you to new a window with two buttons that will say 'Update Plan' and 'Cancel Plan.' Please click on the button 'Cancel Plan.'

  4. To resume your subscription plan, follow steps 1 and 2, then select ‘Resubscribe.’

If you choose to cancel your subscription, any lessons that are already scheduled will proceed as planned. Additionally, you'll still have access to any remaining paid lesson minutes on your account, which you can schedule at any time within the next year. For more information on lesson credits, click here.

How do I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?

  1. Log in at using the email associated with your account.

  2. On the left sidebar, click on the 'Account and Subscription' icon. Then select 'Manage Subscription.'

  3. This will bring you to new a window with two buttons that will say 'Update Plan' and 'Cancel Plan.' Please click on the button 'Update Plan’'

  4. From there, select which subscription plan you would like to do and hit select.

How do I update my payment information?

  1. Log in at using the email associated with your account.

  2. On the left sidebar, click on the 'Account and Subscription' icon. Then select 'Manage Subscription.'

  3. This action will bring you to a new window. In this window, navigate to the ‘Payment Method’ section. Look for the three horizontal dots and click on them to remove the current payment method.

Then select “+ payment method” to add your new payment card details.

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