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How do I change my schedule?

How do I change my automatic/recurring schedule?

Carrie Heckel avatar
Written by Carrie Heckel
Updated over a week ago

For students to have consistency in their lessons, Trala offers recurring schedules based on which subscription you've signed up for. This means that our system will automatically schedule you (out 45 days) at a regular day and time on either a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on your subscription.

All students signed up for Trala starting in July 2024 will have recurring schedules automatically upon sign-up!

Changing a Recurring Schedule

If you need to change your recurring schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Change your schedule" link on the Lessons page

  2. This will prompt you to the end of the "Change Plan" process, "Step 3: Schedule lesson". This is correct! Your plan will remain the same, but you can now select a new day and time for your lessons, which will update your recurring schedule as well.

  3. Make your changes, and select "Review Changes". A pop-up will show the changes you've made, and prompt you to confirm these changes. Click "Confirm" if everything looks good!

    Note: a charge will occur on the date of the first lesson of your new schedule. Any upcoming lessons attached to your previous schedule will be credited back to your account as "unscheduled lessons". You are welcome to schedule these as make-up lessons!

You're all set! If you make a mistake or if you are having any issues, please reach out to and we're happy to help you!

Creating a Recurring Schedule

If you didn't set up an automatic or recurring schedule when you first signed up (if you signed up prior to July 2024), you can make this change taking the following steps:

  1. Click on the "Create a lesson schedule" link on the Lessons page

  2. This will prompt you to change your subscription plan. This is correct! You can still select the same plan if you'd like, but it will be a new subscription, and a brand new kind of subscription (learn more here). Any unscheduled lessons from your previous plan will remain on your account as unscheduled lessons. A new plan will get you on our new system, which will enable you to have a recurring schedule that will automatically schedule you out 45 days (barring any teacher conflicts) to ensure your time and day is saved for you!

  3. Select your teacher, the subscription plan you want, and schedule your first lesson with this new recurring schedule. Note: a charge will occur on the date of the first lesson of this new schedule. Your billing schedule will also update to a static monthly date, as opposed to every 28 days. To learn more about the changes associated with our new recurring schedule subscriptions, click here

    Once that's done, you're all set!

Important: You cannot cancel a recurring schedule without canceling your subscription. If you have a special situation you need help with, please reach out to and we're happy to help!

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